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Frequently asked questions about RB2B's integration.

Updated over 6 months ago

Will RB2B's integration automatically push contacts to

RB2B's Apollo integration can be configured to automatically send profiles to Apollo if you have enabled its Auto Sync Profiles setting. Otherwise, you will need to manually select which profiles to send after they appear in Slack.

Why can't I pick an sequence to push my contacts to?

After validating the API key, if no sequences are present, click the refresh icon. If you don't see any after refreshing, please ensure that the API key that you have entered is the Master API key. Normal API keys will not work.

Using the correct Master API key should result in your integration looking like this.

Is the Slack integration required to use the integration?

Slack is only required in conjunction with Apollo if you have chosen to manually control which profiles are being sent to Apollo.

Slack is not required if you enable the Apollo integration's Auto Sync Profiles feature.

Are there limits to the number of contacts that can be sent to Apollo per day?

Yes, but not limits imposed by RB2B.

There are limits to the number of calls you can make, depending on your plan with Apollo.

Please refer to Apollo's pricing page for the most recent and accurate figures.

Does RB2B send repeat visitor data to Apollo?

By design, RB2B only sends net-new profiles to your integration at the moment of identification. This means that if there is a returning visitor to your website or a new contact navigates around your website, we do not update the contact in with new information if their contact has been previously sent.

How do I change my Apollo integration?

To change or update your integration, navigate to Integrations from the sidebar menu. Locate among the integration options and select View Integration. After which, please follow the Apollo set up instructions.

How many accounts can I push to with my RB2B account?

RB2B is designed to permit a single integration connection per account. For users integrating with Apollo, this means you can push data to only one selected Apollo account of your choice.

This setup ensures a streamlined and efficient data flow between RB2B and Apollo, making it easier to manage and analyze your data within a singular, cohesive environment.

Can multiple RB2B accounts push to a single account?

Yes, multiple RB2B accounts can be connected to and push notifications to the same Apollo account.

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