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Slack FAQs

Frequently asked questions about RB2B's Slack integration.

Updated over a month ago

How do I change the Slack channel that my notifications are sent to?

Modifying the destination channel for your Slack notifications is straightforward. Simply disconnect your current Slack integration and then re-establish it by following the instructions provided here. This process will give you the opportunity to choose a new channel for your notifications.

Why does Slack say "This app has been disabled"?

Scenario 1

If you encounter the 'This app has been disabled' message in Slack, it may be due to a delay in the app installation within your ecosystem. Depending on your workspace's settings, it can take a couple of minutes for the app to establish a connection with Slack. Should this message appear, a simple solution is to reload Slack, which typically resolves the issue.

Scenario 2

The "This app has been disabled" message from Slack can indicate that our Slack app requires approval by your organization's internal IT or security team before it can be used. This message should disappear once the app receives approval for use within your company's digital ecosystem.

Should the message continue to appear even after obtaining approval, try disconnecting and then reconnecting the Slack integration. This action often resolves any lingering issues, ensuring a smooth integration process.

When are Slack notifications triggered?

Slack notifications are activated upon the collection and transmission of a new user profile. Further visits by the same user will not prompt additional Slack notifications. To explore a user's page view history in more detail, you can locate their profile in the Profiles section of the dashboard.

Why does my Slack integration say "No channels found"?

If you encounter a "No channels found" message while setting up RB2B notifications in Slack, it could be due to being logged into multiple Slack workspaces. To resolve this, log out of all workspaces and then log back into only the one where you want to integrate RB2B. Alternatively, using an incognito or private browser window can bypass this issue without logging out from your other workspaces.

Sending the Slack OAuth Link to a Colleague

Slack workspaces are often managed by administrators who may or may not be the person that's signed up to use RB2B. If you want to set up your Slack integration but you aren't the Slack workspace administrator, fret not, you can send your administrator the OAuth link to complete the setup process for you.

To initiate your Slack integration, navigate to Integrations from the sidebar menu. Locate Slack among the integration options and select Set up integration.

Clicking the Copy Slack Auth Link button will copy the URL to your clipboard. Simply paste that URL in an email or message to your administrator along with a message with context about what you've sent them.

Why does Slack say "Not approved by Slack"?

It's a pretty simply explanation - we haven't gone through the approval process to have the app added to their App Directory yet.

Only apps that have done that get "approved" - if they haven't, they get that notice.

Nothing negative, we just haven't done it yet.

Does Slack show return / repeat visitors?

Slack notifications are activated upon the collection and transmission of a new user profile only. Further visits (return / repeat) by the same user will not prompt additional Slack notifications. To explore a user's page view history in more detail, you can locate their profile in the Profiles section of the dashboard.

Can I customize my Slack notifications?

RB2B does not allow for the customization of Slack notifications at the present time.

Why did Slack stop working?

If your account suddenly stopped collecting profiles it could be related to your trial of our Pro plan coming to a close.

When the trial ended, if you did not choose a plan to continue using, your account would have been suspended for inactivity.

It's easy to turn back on, however. All you need to do is go to the Plan Options page in the dashboard and select a plan, paid or free, to re-enable your service.

How do I re-enable my Slack integration?

If your account was recently disabled at the end of your trial period and you have since re-enabled it by choosing a plan (free or paid) you'll need to ensure that you also re-enable your Slack integration (if you were using Slack previously).

You can do that by visiting the Integrations page, finding Slack then switching the grey toggle at the top right of the card so that it's green.

This will re-enable your Slack notifications.

What information about my Slack workspace does RB2B's app have access to?

RB2B's application has minimal visibility into your Slack workspace. RB2B can view the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces that it is connected to. It has no read access to information within your Slack workspace and can only write to the channel of your choosing.

Does RB2B send repeat visitor data to Slack?

By design, RB2B only sends net-new profiles to your Slack integration at the moment of identification. This means that if there is a returning visitor to your website or a new contact navigates around your website, we do not update the contact in Slack with new information if their contact has been previously sent.

Why do the profiles in Slack differ from those on the dashboard Profiles page?

RB2B only sends net-new profiles with LinkedIn information to Slack. On the Profiles page, you'll find all visitor profiles, including repeat visitors and profiles that may lack user information. Therefore, the Profiles page will always have more profiles than those sent to Slack.

How many Slack channels can I push to with RB2B?

RB2B is designed to permit a single integration connection per account. For users integrating with Slack, this means you can push data to only one selected Slack channel or conversation of your choice.

This setup ensures a streamlined and efficient data flow between RB2B and Slack, making it easier to manage and analyze your data within a singular, cohesive environment.

Can multiple RB2B accounts push to a single Slack channel?

Yes, multiple RB2B accounts can be connected to the same Slack workspace. This allows notifications of newly identified visitors to be pushed to the same Slack channel or conversation.

This integration ensures that your team receives all visitor identification updates in a central location, facilitating efficient communication and prompt action on new leads. By having a unified stream of notifications, your team can collaborate more effectively and stay informed about the latest visitor insights from all connected RB2B accounts.

Does the Slack integration send profiles retroactively?

No, the Slack integration will only send net-new profiles that are identified the integration is successfully connected. Previously identified users will not be sent.

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