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Setup Guide: Instantly
Updated today

RB2B's Instantly integration is only available for RB2B Pro users.

Instantly API Versions

RB2B's Instantly integration uses v2 of Instantly's API. If you originally set up your Instantly integration using a v1 API key, you will need to generate a v2 key to re-enable your integration as Instantly has retired v1 of their API.


RB2B's Instantly integration works in one of two ways:

  1. Manual Pushes
    When used in conjunction with Slack, a 'Push to Instantly' button will appear on visitor profiles in Slack. Using that will manually push selected profiles to Instantly.

    • Slack is required for manual pushing to Instantly.

    • With manual pushes, you are able to select multiple campaigns to send data to.

  2. Automatic Pushes

    By toggling on Auto Sync Profiles on the integration settings, RB2B will automatically send profiles of identified visitors to Instantly.

    • Auto sync is required when Instantly is used in conjunction with sending only ICP tagged visitors.

    • With automatic pushes, you are limited to sending data to a single campaign.

Setting Up an Integration with Instantly

To initiate your Instantly integration, navigate to Integrations from the sidebar menu. Locate and select Instantly among the integration options or visit

Step 1: Create an Instantly API Key

When setting up a new Instantly API key, you will need to define the scope of access that the key will have. We recommend using all:all but if you wish to restrict the scope of access, RB2B requires a minimum scope of lead:create, lead_list:create, campaign:read to operate.

  1. Click the "API Keys" section in the left sidebar

  2. Click the "Create API Key" button

  3. Enter the API key name (used for display purposes only)

  4. Select the scopes you would like this API key to have

  5. Press the "Create" button

Step 2: Add it to RB2B

Copy the key and paste it in the "API Key V2" input field on the Instantly integration page. Once added, click Validate API Key to confirm that it has been entered correctly.

โš ๏ธ Important: If you have not used the correct scope(s) when creating your key, an error message will appear on screen with details about the incorrect scopes that were found. Please update your key's scope as outlined in Step 1 before trying again.

Step 3: Select Your Campaigns(s) to Send To

Pick the Campaign(s) that you will use as shortcuts inside Slack. At least one Sequence is required for the Instantly integration to function.

Step 4: Save

Click Save to publish your changes or click Discard to abandon your work.

Adding/Removing/Changing Sequence(s)

To change what sequence(s) RB2B sends contacts to, simply check/uncheck the required sequences from your list of sequences then click "Save" at the top right of the window.

After Setup

After you have successfully set up your integration, RB2B will automatically sync profiles to Instantly if you have "Auto-Sync" enabled. If it is not enabled, you will gain the ability to push leads manually from Slack to Instantly via the individual Slack notifications.

Disconnecting Instantly

To disconnect your Instantly integration, navigate to Integrations from the sidebar menu. Locate Instantly among the integration options and select View Integration. To disconnect the Instantly entirely, click Delete API Key then click Save to publish your changes.

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