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Setup Guide: Salesforce CRM
Updated over 2 weeks ago

RB2B's "Salesforce CRM" integration is only available to trialing and RB2B Pro subscribers.

Table of Contents

Before You Begin

Updating Object Permissions

Before integrating RB2B with Salesforce, ensure the correct object permissions are set. This allows RB2B to create and update records smoothly, preventing issues caused by insufficient access rights.

Required Object Permissions

RB2B requires write access to the following Salesforce objects and fields:

Contact Object

  • Title – Captures the individual’s job title, crucial for lead qualification and sales outreach.

  • LeadSource – Tracks how the contact was acquired, helping measure RB2B’s impact on lead generation.

Account Object

  • Description – Provides space for company details such as industry, size, or key business notes.

Enabling Field-Level Security on Tasks

RB2B logs webpage activity and engagement events in Salesforce as Tasks. To ensure visibility, configure Field-Level Security (FLS) for relevant Task fields.

Steps to Enable Field-Level Security:

  1. Go to Setup: Click the Gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Setup.

  2. Navigate to Task Object:

    • In the left-hand search bar, type Object Manager and click it.

    • Find and select Task from the object list.

  3. Go to Fields & Relationships: Click Fields & Relationships in the left sidebar.

  4. Choose the Field: Locate the relevant Task Fields and open their details.

  5. Set Field-Level Security:

    • Click Set Field-Level Security.

    • Ensure all options in the Visible column are checked.

  6. Save Changes: Click Save to apply your settings.

Connecting RB2B to Salesforce

To initiate your Salesforce CRM integration, navigate to Integrations from the sidebar menu. Locate and select Salesforce CRM among the integration options or visit

Step 1: Sign Into Salesforce

Once on the Salesforce CRM page, click "Connect to Salesforce" to begin the setup process.

If you are not currently signed into Salesforce, you will be prompted to create a new Salesforce account or sign in to your existing Salesforce account.

⚠️ Important Note: Salesforce requires an Account Owner to be set when an Account is created. By default, the user who set up the RB2B Salesforce CRM integration will be named as the Account Owner for all RB2B created Accounts.

Step 2: Connect App

Review RB2B's required access to your Salesforce account and continue connecting if you agree by clicking "Allow" at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Get the Salesforce CRM Playbook

Now that you have connected RB2B to Salesforce, the next step is to get the most out of the data that RB2B will be sending to Salesforce. Our Salesforce CRM playbook has all of the information that you need to hit the ground running with RB2B's Salesforce CRM integration.

Step 4: Review and Customize Your Integration

Step 5: Invite Colleagues to RB2B

During the integration connection process RB2B pulls a list of your colleagues who have accounts in your Salesforce instance. These users can be found in the "Salesforce CRM Users" section of the Salesforce integration page.

To invite them to your company's RB2B account, simply click the "Invite to RB2B" button to the right of their name. Once they have an RB2B user set up, the invite button will disappear their status as an "RB2B User" will be displayed in its place.

RB2B does not automatically update the list of Salesforce users if users are added/removed from your Salesforce instance. To pull an updated list, click the "Refresh" button at the top right of the "Salesforce CRM Users" section.

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