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No Error Message Present
Updated over a week ago

No error message present.

When the pop-up window does not close and no error is displayed on the verification page, this is indicative of a redirect causing the verification process to fail.

Redirects almost always strip our verification query string (/?verifyge=true) out of the URL which disconnects us from the site and prevents an error from being displayed.

Make note of the URL in the pop-up window.

Cause: Redirect to Different Domain

What to Check

Does the domain in the pop-up window match that of the primary domain that you have authorized on the script?


Authorized Domain:

Pop-up Window:


It looks like the domain that you've entered for the script to operate on isn't the same as where it's actually loading. Please find the solution here: Error: The authorized domain do not appear to match

Cause: Redirect to/from www. Version of Your Site

What to Check

Does the domain in the pop-up window match that of the primary domain exactly?

Example 1

Authorized Domain:

Your website is redirecting traffic from the naked domain to the www. version

Example 2

Authorized Domain:

Pop-up Window:

Your website is redirecting traffic from the www. version to the naked version.


If Example 1: You've authorized our script to run on the naked domain which also allows it to run on all subdomains, www included. This is our recommended setup method.

No action is needed on your part and the script will automatically verify itself the moment it transmits the first byte of data, making manual verification a helpful but not mandatory step.

If Example 2: We recommend removing the www from your authorized domain to allow the tracking script to run on the naked domain as well as all subdomains on which it is installed, www included. Please find the solution here: Error: The authorized domain do not appear to match

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