The information that you can expect to see in your CSV export includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
LinkedInUrl: user's LinkedIn profile URL
FirstName: user's first name
LastName: user's last name
Title: user's job title, as indicated in their headline on LinkedIn
CompanyName: name of the company that the user works at
AllTimePageViews: total number of page views on your site since identifying the user
WorkEmail: user's business email
TwitterUrl: user's Twitter URL
FacebookUrl: user's Facebook URL
Website: user's company's website
Industry: user's company's industry
EstimatedEmployeeCount: estimated number of employees at the user's company
EstimateRevenue: estimated revenue of the user's company
City: city in which the user was identified
State: state in which the user was identified
Zipcode: zipcode in which the user was identified
LastSeenAt: timestamp of the user's last visit
FirstSeenAt: timestamp of the user's first identification
MostRecentReferrer: referring URL of the user's most recent visit
RecentPageCount: total number of page views by the user in their recent visit
RecentPageUrls: pages visited by the user in their recent visit
* WorkEmail (business email) is restricted to RB2B Pro users.
Fields with blank data reflect unknown data.