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RB2B Install Guide for WordPress via RB2B's WordPress Plugin
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The RB2B WordPress plugin streamlines the process of integrating RB2B’s powerful tracking capabilities into your WordPress-built website. With this plugin, you can quickly and easily embed the RB2B tracking snippet into your website's global header file, ensuring accurate visitor tracking and lead identification.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how the plugin works, the installation process, setup instructions, and where to find additional support if needed.

How the RB2B WordPress Plugin Works

The RB2B WordPress plugin simplifies the installation of the RB2B HTML snippet. Once installed and configured, the plugin automatically inserts the snippet into the global header file of your WordPress website. This ensures that the tracking script is active on all pages of your site, enabling RB2B to collect actionable visitor data for enhanced lead generation and engagement.

Installation Instructions

Follow these steps to install the RB2B WordPress plugin on your website:

  1. Download the Plugin:
    Navigate to the RB2B plugin repository and click the Code button. Select Download ZIP to save the plugin file ( to your computer.

  2. Access the WordPress Dashboard:
    Log in to your website’s WordPress dashboard.

  3. Add the Plugin:
    In the dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New Plugin, then click the Upload Plugin button. Choose the downloaded file and click Install Now.

  4. Activate the Plugin:
    Once the installation is complete, click the Activate Plugin button to activate RB2B’s WordPress plugin on your site.

Setup Instructions

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you’ll need to configure it by adding your RB2B Account ID. Follow these steps to complete the setup:

  1. Access Plugin Settings:
    In your WordPress dashboard, find the RB2B link in the main menu or click the Settings button for the plugin on the main Plugins page to access the plugin's settings.

  2. Retrieve Your Account ID:
    Log in to your RB2B account and navigate to the Script Setup Page. Copy your RB2B Account ID, which appears in the last line of the HTML snippet before the closing <script> tag.

  3. Input and Save:
    Paste your RB2B Account ID into the designated field in the plugin’s settings and click Save Changes to complete the configuration.

  4. Validate Installation:
    Return to the RB2B Dashboard and follow the on-screen instructions to validate that the tracking script has been successfully installed on your website.

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